Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Favourite Finds!

Inspiration for Indigo's wardrobe... a heart Stella McCartney Kids..
I am loving the pastel colour combinations in Stella's range. Oh and the bright yellow gumboots. they just seem to go with everything don't they?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Embracing Autumn!

The 1st of March marks the start of Autumn. Oh how I love this time of year. Call me crazy but I am certainly not mourning the end of Summer as most of you probably are. I hate the heat. I've never found beads of perspiration on my face, sweat spots under my arms and frizzy hair that sexy! Don't get me wrong I love a bit of sunshine, I just hate humidity. The sticky, hard to breath, gettin' me all flustered humidity!

But Autumn, Autumn brings fresh mornings, cool breezes, some sun shinning days and COLOUR! There is nothing more pleasing to my eye then trees full of glorious shades of red, orange yellow and green. It fills me with happiness for a few months. And then as all the leaves begin to fall and fill our streets and roads comes the realisation that Winter is approaching. I don't hate Winter either, I guess it just doesn't have as much going for it as Autumn and Spring.

I am not sure why gloomy wet grey days fill my heart with comfort. Maybe its the food we eat, the throw rugs on the couch or if we are lucky enough, a warm wood fire to sit next to. Maybe its the cozy knits and scarves, the hot chocolate with marshmallows and the pitter patter of rain to send you off to sleep.

To celebrate the start of Autumn, today I made some Pumpkin soup! Yumo! We ate it with thick crusty sourdough. I am looking forward to bringing out my slow cooker from the back of the pantry. Don't you just love hearty comfort food?!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap of faith!

Today is Wednesday the 29th of February. A leap year. Did you know that one of the oldest leap year traditions is for a woman to propose to a man on Feb. 29 of a leap year. Today is the day that women are "allowed" to propose to their partners.
Believed to go back to an old Irish legend, it's said that a man who refuses the proposal of a woman on a leap day must buy her a gift as an apology. Some versions of the tradition say the gift should be 12 pairs of gloves, so the woman can hide the embarrassment of not having an engagement ring, a silken dress or money to the equivalent.
One, I am not fond of the term "allowed" that is being used in the media today and Two, call me a traditionalist but every girl has a dream of her prince charming bending down on one knee. I think I will wait for my fairytale to come true?

So why do we have an extra day to our calendar almost every four years?
The answer, simply put, is that the Earth doesn't take exactly 365 days to orbit the sun. It's actually closer to 365.242 days. While that may not seem like much, it amounts to almost six extra hours a year, which does add up over time.
A leap year helps to prevent the shift that would happen in our calendars because of these extra hours. Without it, our calendar would eventually fall out of sync with the weather. In 100 years, our calendar would be about 24 days off, and before we knew it, we'd be seeing summer-like conditions in July and have wintery Decembers. But then again I must remind myself that I do reside in Melbourne, and these wacky weather conditions are not uncommon.

My leap of faith is starting this blog. I am terrible, really terrible at anything that requires routine, or regularity so I am hoping that I am able to keep this blog. I can't tell you how many diaries I have started... a page or two... and then nothing.

My hope is to create this journal of things that are GIFT's to me. Things I am Grateful for, things that Inspire me, interesting things I have Found and my Travels to different places.